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Bioearth - Organic since 1996

Our Vision

To create a perfect balance between living species and the Universe.
A new lifestyle in total harmony with nature, based on the beauty brought by energy, balance and happiness.

Our Mission

To achieve and to be the standard of excellence for natural health and beauty.
To innovate by creating new solutions to improve health, beauty and well-being.
To create employment and resources in our local area.
To respect the environment and all the species who make it their home.


Our Values

  1. Effectiveness
  2. Green
  3. Sustainability
  4. Social and environmental commitment
  5. Flexibility
  6. meaning the ability to adapt to customer needs
  7. Ongoing training Bioearth Academy



Ethically effective,
consciously holistic

From love beauty is born. Naturally, our story too.


Sabrina Mazzaschi e Paolo Adorni s’incontrano.


Partono per la California. Frequentano corsi di specializzazione, documentandosi su macro e microalghe.


Nasce Bioearth.
Inizia anche una feconda collaborazione e l'amicizia con i più grandi esperti di microalghe del settore.


Nasce la prima linea a marchio Bioearth, a base di Aloe Vera: The Beauty Seed.


Nasce Greenology, la scienza verde delle microalghe per l’integrazione a base di SuperGreen Foods.


Nasce la linea Aloe Base, ideale per le pelli allergiche e quelle dei bambini, alternativa naturale ai prodotti a base chimica.


Lancio della linea solare Sun: a base di filtri innovativi e una base formulata secondo le linee guida eco-bio.

2013 - 2019

Tante nuove linee naturali per tutte le esigenze: Bioprotettiva, Loom, Family, Maschere e Sieri, Hair 2.0 , SunCity ... verso una nuova sensibilità ambientale.

Bioearth was founded Italy by Paolo e Sabrina in Fornovo di Taro (Parma) in 1996, after their specialisation in macro and microalgae in California (USA) where they moved after graduation and they succeeded to develop their passion for the idea of macrobiotic nutrition and for an holeistic approach to life.

The personal choice made by Sabrina and Paolo is transformed into a project as soon as they join the Isla Vista Food Coop, a Santa Barbara cooperative guaranteeing high quality at honest prices, organic foods and products sourced from local farmers to the community.

The project sets itself an ambitious target: to bring a breath of fresh air to the Italian market of natural products, which at the time is niche and is strictly healing in character.

It is also the beginning of a fruitful collaboration and friendship with the biggest microalgae experts in the sector: Robert Henrikson and Ama Belay. Importing of Earthrise Spirulina and of Aloe vera juices.

Two years after (1998) Bioearth launched its first product ranges The beauty seed and started to develop their own brands, extending their natural and organic offer, both for nutrition, such as Spirulina, and for cosmetics.

Greenology, the green science of microalgae for 100% natural SuperGreen Foods based supplementation, started in 2000.

Even if in Europe organic certifications are not ready, Bioearth offered product with organically grown ingredients and cosmetics formulated without using SLS/SLES, silicons, mineral oils, parabens, PEG/PPG, formaldehyde releasers, ingredients from dead animals/causing animals suffering and microplastics.

Organic certification for food and cosmetics and new organic/natural cosmetics trends did not caught unaware Bioearth which developed its offer improving they products and reducing the enviromental impact of its work and products.

The most renowned and successful Bioearth launches in a wide product range during last ten years:


sunscreen line (Bioearth sun) formulated in accordance with eco-organic guidelines with innovative filter selected in respect of our skin and our planet (Hawaii law complaint and approved for sustainability by ECOBIOCONTROL in 2021);


The first eco-organic certified cosmetic range of products containing organic and ethical snail secretion extract (Loom);


Spiruviva Gold, Spirulina food supplement enriched in Phycocyanin;


HAIR a complete range of organic hair solutions with ultimate performance with eco organic fomulas and MASK&SERUM, the organic Italian answer to the Korean skincare routine, which includes masks made of organic cellulose, creams and serums


Bioearth starts a collaboration with WWF IMPRESE PER LA NATURA (BUSINESS FOR NATURE), a project that involves Italian companies in support of endangered species which is made tangible in the project A Sphere for the Nature and, in 2021, Art for the planet.


Despite the pandemic situation, Bioearth reacts remaining operative throughout the entire Italian lockdown and supporting its customers offering vegan hand cleansing solutions (Tea tree defence) and reinterpreting and extending supplements area for good health with the launch of SINERGY, pleasant and bioavailable silicon supplement, and GREENOLOGY 4.0.

Moreover the launch of ELEMENTA_ innovative approach to tailored and recommended eco&skin friendly cosmetics which garner a lot of attention in herbalist shops, organic shops and pharmacies and on social media channels from those with a passion for trendy and natural skin care.